Even our trials in this life are for our learning and bennefit, though it may not feel like it at the time we experience them! - Then again, there are times we Do manage to see the blessings in our trials while we're experiencing them, and when that happens we are all the more blessed! :)
When our daughter was going through the process of having open-heart surgery, to replace a life-threatening infected valve, - (with just the two of us in her quiet hospital room), she offered a sincere, humble prayer of gratitude for the opportunity it gave her to develope closer relationships to extended family and friends. In all she went through, her focus was on "the treasures"!! :)
A friend of mine has been valiently battling cancer for some time now. She is currently in the process of progressing on to the other side. Her organs are shutting down, and it's just a matter of time untill her heart stops and she slips away. - On a recent visit I was touched by how fun she made the visit for myself and the stream of friends coming to see her! One would have thought it was a party!! She was joyious about seeing all her friends filing through, and her family near! Her eyes are on the treasure!! :)
I could share more examples, and I'm sure you can think of some too, of those who find treasure in the dirty rocks, weird roots, and disgusting grubs of life! :)
This earth life is for our joy and learning! Valient is the soul who remembers this and lives it with their eyes ever on the treasure that is, indeed, everywhere!! :)