Have you noticed how during the long, hot days of Summer we're blessed with leaves for shade that shield us from the heat!? :)
Then, this time of year, the trees graciously let go of their leaves, allowing the sunlight through, ...
just when we need the light the most, during these short, cold days, of Fall & Winter! :)
The darkness, brought on by the short days, would be gloomy, indeed, if not for the trees shedding their leaves and the Sun hovering closer to the earth! :)
Then add fun holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, and continual excitement is in the air, giving us many things to enjoy and look forward to! :)
Before we know it the days will begin to lengthen again! [Only 5 weeks from today, if you can believe it!] :)
About the time Spring returns and the air starts warming up again, the trees will begin leafing out, preparing to provide us with Summer shade! :)
As we approach Thanksgiving, I wish to express my gratitude for the Seasons, coupled with the seasons of leaves! :)
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! :)