Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Making Memories! :)

 Summer has gone by in a flash!
 Now everywhere I look I see warm, ghostly visions of our loved ones, who came for a visit! :)
 My visions become clearer in my mind as I smile with remembrance! :)
 Fun on the hammock, ...
 and Coal was in hog-heaven! :)
 Dear friends coming to visit, ...
 and friendships renewed! :)
 A day of aiming at toy soldiers, ...

 which turned into two! :)

 The pups renewed their friendship too! :) Sharing peaceful slumber! :)
 Papa B. took Lexie for a ride on the lawn tractor! :)

 Such Fun! :)
 Her brothers ran around the yard, making her experience even more exciting! :)
 Then it was Tegan's turn! :)
 Papa taught him how to drive it. :)
 Then he found he could run it by himself! :)

 Finally it was Brennan's turn! :) Papa explained how to use the controls! :)
 This was one thing he had asked to do when they came to visit! :)
 He took to it real well, ...
 and Papa B. teased him that he will have someone to mow the lawn now for him! :)

 Then it was Mommies turn! :)
 Her request was another ride on the bike with Dad! :)
 The Harley rumbled ...
 and away they went! :)
 Lexie wanted to chalk the walk ...
 and before long she'd had many others join her! :) Each day the chalk gets a little more pale, and when the rain returns it will quickly fade. For now we are enjoying it, and the warm memories it's brings! :)
 As they were about to leave, Brennan gave us a picture he'd colored from his day trip to Mt. Saint Helens. :)
 He said it's to remember him, when he's gone. We have it on our 'fridge where we see it every day! :)
There were many things I failed to take photos of. I forgot my Canon on our day to the beach. The ocean water was warmer than expected, (after this long, hot Summer), and the kids enjoyed playing on the edge of the waves! :)
We bought ice cream cones at Scoopers, took in a museum, and did some shopping at Longbeach! :)Then we decided to take in a light house, and Troy noticed there was a 2nd light house not far away so we went to it too! The 2nd lighthouse required a hike to get to it, and it felt good to get in the exercise! It was a fun-filled day! :)
I failed to get a photo of the advanced target range Papa B. set up for their 2nd day of target practice. He even had a shovel head hanging upside down, that the b. b.s would send a loud PING off of, when they hit it! :)
Now I see what's left of the targets and it brings more smiles! :)
We are greatful to have made more cherished memories with our dear ones this Summer, and thankful for the visions we see wherever we go in our home and on our property! :)
Here's hoping you are all making memories too! :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

I Want A Pause Button! :)

 Time's going by in the blink of an eye!
One minute the field hay is cut and raked, ...
 The next it is baled!
 The days run together, on and on!
 If only we could stop time for a moment. Breath it in! :)
 Leaves are already dropping often enough to require regular sweeping of the front deck!
 Nature grasps the passing of time better than I do. She continues on with her ongoing seasonal changes. The grass is going into it's dormant shades of gold and brown.
 The morning shadows are those of Summer, long and slanted.
 She denies the logic in my head that says it should still be Spring! :)
If only we could cast a spell and have time Slow Down! :)
I want a pause button! :)
That's one of the reasons I enjoy photography so much! I can capture a moment and savor it! :)
Now if only we could do that with time, itself! :)
Since we can't, the trick is to enjoy it while it lasts! :)
Appreciate every moment! :)
Summer on, everyone! :)

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Happy Gardening! :)

 When one first plants a garden it's hard to imagine that it will produce.
 Before long, though, things are growing at a noticeable rate! :)
 It is just the first week of July, and we are already beginning to enjoy the first fruits! :)
 The tomato plants are already reaching to the tops of the cages! :)
 It's already time to place stakes in the squash so we'll know where to water when the vines stretch and entertwine! :)
 The first zucchini are beginning to form! :)
 We've been eating the first Sungold Cherry Tomatoes! Sweet candy! :)
 The Copra Onions are showing growth as well! :)
Summer heat is making the plants happy, and putting a smile on my face, as well! :)
To all who are growing veggie gardens, this year, Happy Gardening! :)