Thursday, February 23, 2017

Suddenly It's Spring! :)

 February has been a fabulous month! :)
 We've enjoyed the quiet ...
 And beauty of snow! :) So much so that I was unable to start the pruning!
 Then there was a turning point! :)
 Mother Nature displayed a sunset that announced warmer weather to come! :)
 She was Right! It seemed just overnight the yard began to explode with signs of new life! :)

 Honey bees are out gathering pollen from the new blooms! :)
 It brought my attention to my Mason Bees! They will be hatching soon! :)
 It's time to hang that 2nd row of houses I bought last year! :)
 There's signs of  Spring everywhere! :)
 One sure sign is seeing Gerdy-Girl in the yard! :)
 She loves her heated shed, and lives in there through the cold months! :)
 There's even enough sun to nudge the crocus into opening! :)

 I should have cleaned all the flower beds by now and finished all the pruning and have only just begun! We were in the midst of a snowy Winter and Suddenly, ...
It's Spring! :)