Monday, September 10, 2012

Slug S.a.v.v.y! :)

I'm deliberately sparing you from a photo of today's blog post, as it's about slugs! :)
I've been noticing the slugs have been getting more and more thick around the yard in the mornings. I keep a 4-5" pot that's 5-6" deep, sitting in the veggie garden, with a thick plastic flower label by it. That way, when I see slugs on the cabbage, or elsewhere in the garden, I can flick them into the pot and get them out! :)
Today I noted that I had to be careful where I stepped, walking to the garden, because the lawn was Covered with slugs, and many of them were procreating with a cluster of eggs encircled within! ...
So I realized that ignoring the problem was actually Making things Much Worse! If I was to have a yard and garden that wasn't teaming with slugs, I needed to Act and Do Something to make things better! :)
So Act, I Did! :) I've declared War! :) I went around flicking slugs into the flower pot, and reasoning that they won't want to cross the road to get back to our property, started packing them across the road to the vacant tree property across the way! I made so many trips that I lost count, shaking the slugs onto the neighboring field grass! I'm hoping by re-directing their eating attention to the overgrown hay growing around the abandoned Christmas trees, they can do something Useful with themselves! :)
I know my efforts have made an improvement already, as I continued to fill the pot, (at least 12 or 13 times), until I couldn't find any more! :)
I found the little flower pot is the perfect size for the job, because those little bodies get heavy, heaped upon each other, and by the time it was full, it was heavy enough to want to empty it! :)
Since they procreate quickly, I plan to do a "slug patrol" every morning! :) I will not only patrol the yard and garden, but I will keep an eye on the road, and if they should start to cross back, I will bring out the Big Guns and sprinkle them with salt! :)
As I flicked slugs into the flower pot, moving around the mowed areas of our property, ... I thought about how many things in life are like the situation with the slugs. If we continue to put a blind eye to it, they will continue to get worse, and by doing nothing about it, we must share some of the responsibility and burden for things continuing to get further out of control! ...
When we notice a problem, we have the responsibility to Do something about it! :)
Like the situation with the slugs, it may not be a fun task, but when we address it, it feels good knowing we are taking necessary steps and making a marked improvement! :)
Tomorrow morning I'll be out doing another patrol of the grounds! :) It's showing "slug savvy"! :)


  1. My brother just posted a picture of what used to be a pumpkin from his garden. At least I think that's what it was! The slugs were awful. My grandma used to (well, probably still does, I just don't see it) carry around a stick and skewer all the slugs she found. Gross, but effective. Good luck with the buggars!

    And I like your parallel.

  2. Thanks, Crystal! :) I'm amazed at how effective yesterday's patrol was! I don't see a single slug on the grass, through the window, and yesterday it was just Covered! :) I'm sure I'll find some when I walk around looking for them, though! :) I'm done literally tip-toeing around the problem and it feels good to be taking action, at last! :) I feel the same way about things going on in the world. I want my grand kids to have the joys and liberty that I've enjoyed, and I'm making a point to speak up for what I believe in, instead of just quietly observing things getting further out of control. Sometimes it's as much fun as flicking slugs into a pot, but it's worth the effort! :)

  3. Day-2 patrol only produced one full pot of slugs! :) Already a vast improvement over Day-1's 12 or 13! I wonder if it's possible to eliminate the slug problem altogether? ... Since I've declared war on them, perhaps by next year I can report how well things have gone! :)

  4. Day-3 report, only found enough slugs to cover the bottom of the pot! Things are looking up!! :)
