Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Firsts And Lasts! :)

This morning we woke to frost, signaling the end of the growing season! :)
 It's this year's first Fall frost! :)
 Since today is expected to be our last dry day for awhile, I made a point to get the garlic planted, and to get the plastic down! :) This is the latest I've planted our garlic. It's best to have it in by Labor Day, so I'm just a touch late! :)
 I planted a long strip of our two favorite types of garlic, Purple Glazier and Elephant! :)
It took around half the length of this row! I'm thinking come Spring I may finish the row by planting onions! :)
 This was the first time I laid the black plastic by myself! I got some of the rocks positioned, to help against Winter winds, but some are too heavy! I'm glad I can count on the men in my life to place the heavier rocks for me! :)
 Since our rainy season is expected to return to our area, tomorrow, I took advantage of a last opportunity to enjoy the hammock! :) ... Are you joining me, Mick!? :) ...
 Ahhhhhh! There's something So Relaxing about this hammock! :)

 Here's Mick! :)
 He and Sylvester are the two felines who enjoy the hammock with me! :)
 Sometimes they'll lay on me and take a nap! :)
 What a gorgeous day! :)
 The colors are so vivid, the air so fresh, and the sky is so clear! :)
 (sigh)! :)
 I'd love to stay here soaking in this peaceful moment, ....
 but the sun's going down and it's time to put the hammock away! :)
Looking back, today has been a day of firsts and lasts! :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Autumn's Amazing! :)

 I couldn't help taking more photos in celebration of all the festive color around the yard, property, ...

 and even in the house! :)
 What can I say!?
Autumn's Amazing! :)