Saturday, May 23, 2015

Bright Spot Of Our Day! :)

 This morning, coming back from feeding the felines and checking the garden, I noticed movement on the edge of a flower bed. I knew it was a small bird but, when it didn't fly away at my approach, I stopped and took a closer look! :)
 It was a baby duckling, and it was headed for the back yard, and our four felines! :) That would Never Do! :) ... I scooped it up and walked to the two water areas near our property, looking for it's mother! When no mother duck was found, I made the decision to bring it inside, prepare a comfortable box for it, and made some quick phone calls in it's behalf! :)
 While I showered and got ready for a quick road trip, this adorable Wood Duck chick made herself right at home! :) She found a favorite spot in Rud's warm hand! :)
 She found, and tried out, the little dish of water! :)
Then she went back to the corner of the box, and waited. :) ...
As we drove to her new home with a veterinarian, she peep peeped in the box until Rud nestled her in the warmth of his hand where she would go quiet and close her eyes in contentment! :) When he'd place her back in the box, she's start peeping her frustration until he held her in his hand again. So there she stayed for the length of the trip! :)
Soon we arrived and past her to her new care giver, and left this little duckling in more capable hands! :) ... I have to say, this little girl was the bright spot of our day! :)