Friday, October 22, 2010

A Well Groomed Bed! :)

For me, fashioning flower beds is another part of feathering my nest! Eventually I hope to have the entire yard weeded, planted, and barked, at the same time! I love to be drawn from one part of the yard to another, and have it all flow together like good music! :)
I've finally gotten the south-side flower bed squared away for the winter! It's all weeded, planted, and barked! It's an accomplishment given that it's the length of the home, roughly 6' wide, and it's been the busiest summer I can remember us having! It's been like pulling teeth to fit in time for my beloved yard work! :)

But, alas, this bed is finally done for now! :) This winter I will be starting some delphiniums from seed, in hopes of adding them to this bed! I also have a spot to fill on one end, where a young start died, so I will be shopping for a replacement, come spring! And as any true gardener knows, no flower bed is ever really done! There's always changes, improvements, and ongoing work to be done! :)
Oh how I love a well groomed bed! I'm already feeling excited about seeing the plants grow and come alive with color, come spring and summer! :)

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