Wednesday, April 11, 2012

At Least A Dozen Delights! :)

Nothing makes life sweeter than counting one's blessings! :) At the top of the list are our grandsons! How we love them, and how I love to see Rud interacting with them! It is a study of love in action! :)
A lot of the blessings I take delight in are much less obvious, like noticing the lilacs are preparing to bloom! Before long they will send heavenly fragrance drifting in the air! I can hardly wait! :)
Aren't the daffodils a cheery sight, especially with the sunshine playing upon their petals!? :)
As much as I enjoy the flowering quince every year, I think it's the excitement the hummers display around them that make me delight in them even more! :) It flowers around the time the hummingbirds return and they get quite territorial about it! The male that gets to claim the flowering quince in it's territory is sure to win a female! :)
I love seeing my little Mason Bees hard at work in the yard! They seem especially fond of this flowering currant! Our live investment are alive and well, and still active on the property! :)
My life would not be complete with the delight of a canine companion! We recently took Coal in to be fixed and already he's all healed up and doing great! :)
How I love rainbows! :) There are so many doubles, which really delights me! :)

One of my favorite things to do is watch the sun rise! :)
Sometimes they can be quite colorful! :)
Hummers have always delighted me! It's so fun to see them zipping around the yard! Yesterday one flew so close that I felt my hair move as it past by! :)
The kitties have reminded me of the delight felines can be in my life! How I love them and enjoy how they follow me around the yard when I'm outside working! :) I went years living without a cat, and now I can't imagine life without them! :)
The tulips are in bloom now, and I'm pleased with their fragrance as well as their beauty! :)
I love how well this weatherized livestock bowl is working for my water plants! In time they will likely graduate to a fancier location, but for now this is working well! :)
I could go on and on, ... as at every turn there's something that delights me, ... and I trust as you look around you see many things that delight you in your life! :)
I challenge you to make a mental list of at least a dozen delights, and I guarantee you'll be smiling! :)
Happy counting everyone!! :)


  1. I like that my kids made it on the TOP of your thankful list. What about YOUR own kids? Huh I thought we where 2nd to none. hummm. ;) lol

  2. :) You goofy girl!! :) Of course you are on the top of my list, too! :) Love you Sweets! :) Looking forward to seeing you soon!! :)XO
