As a child I remember seeing some 16 yr. old high school girls who'd been tutoring at the grade school. I happened to use the restroom, and was pleased when I witnessed them chatting and washing their hands as they came out from the stalls! So few grade school kids ever washed their hands that I was beginning to think I was the only one who bothered! I smiled shyly at them with admiration thinking how "adult" they were, and yes, at the time they seemed "old" to me! :)
Then I remember thinking L.D.S. missionaries were so adult, and so old, until one day realized I was as old as they were! :)
Then it was the NFL players I thought were old; ... then people in their 40's; then people in their 60's; and then surely people in their 80's; 90's' or 100's were "Old"! :) ...
I laugh now thinking I ever thought Anyone was old!! :) The older I get, the younger everyone Is! :) After all, I don't view myself as being old, even though I'm in my mid 50's now, so none of the people I viewed as being old were old after all! :)
Therefore, it stands to reason, that when I hit my 60's, or 80's, or 100's, that I won't view those ages as being old either! :)
After all, we've all heard the saying that "You're as old as you feel." :)
If that's true, then I've Lost around 20 years when I lost 50 lbs. last year, - since I Feel like I'm actually in my 30's again! :)
So age is a relative thing to me! :)
I remember my very dear Grammie smiling sweetly and telling me "One's spirit doesn't age, it's just after awhile your body can't keep up with your spirit anymore." :)
So for now, I'm grateful that my body is still able to come through for my spirit and allow me to do most of what I want to do! :)
For some reason, this reminds me of a song they use to sing on Sesame Street, "That's about the size, where you put your eyes, - that's about the size of it!" :)
If one's focus is on the eye of the whale, then the whale looks huge compared to the eye, - but if you span out to include the ocean, then the whale is suddenly small, - and if we span out again, to include the earth, the eye of the whale is so totally tiny as to be almost forgotten compared to our new view of the planet, ... and what if we span back to include the universe?! :) Yet if we focus back in on the eye of the whale, the whale is still large compared to size of the whale's eye! :)
So it is with age. ... "That's about the size, where you put your eyes, that's about the size of it!" :)
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