Friday, February 12, 2010

Brennan's Valentine! :)

You know you're a grandparent when you find a loving, handmade valentine in the mailbox and can't get it displayed on the 'fridge fast enough! :) When seeing the little outlined hand of that cherished one just melts your heart on the spot!
The little car magnet, at the bottom, says "Loving you is aut-omatic"! That's certainly how we feel about our little Brennan! :)
Thanks Brennan for the wonderful Valentine, and thanks to Brennan's Mommie and Daddy for their love too, in making this cherished valentine possible!! Our heart-felt love goes out to them!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :)


  1. I've yet to learn how to make type corrections on my blog once it's been posted! Too late I noticed I messed up on the quote. It's supposed to read "Loving you is auto-matic"! :)

  2. Mom, I am glad that you enjoyed it! It made my day to hear that Cal enjoyed his too! :D We love you guys and miss ya tons! I do hope you have a wonderful Valentines day!
    Love ya!
