Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Dozen Dreamy Doves! :)

There's something dreamy about doves! Their soft throaty cooing, soft colors, and neck bobbing walk, can be spell binding! :) We were so excited when we first saw this lavender Band-Tailed Pigeon appear in our backyard! :)
Then, within a few days, a 2nd one came!! Imagine our surprise when, a few days later, we saw a 3rd, and then a 4th! Soon a 5th and a 6th joined them!! :)
They've obviously passed the word, because today I was amazed to see a 7th and an 8th!! :) I was working in the garden when they came, but they were too fearful to come to the feeder! Since I'd been out there for two hours I decided to come in for lunch and let them come to the feeder! :)

I was amazed at how many showed up to eat!! I counted atleast 9 or 10 at the feeders, and a couple more perched in a nearby tree!! :)

After enjoying a good lunch, themselves, they took flight up to the trees at the back of our property! Perhaps now's a good time to get some more hoeing done in the garden! :) ... I wonder how many will be coming for dinner!? :)


  1. Very fun mom! I hope they are there when we come too. :)

  2. So do I! :)
    If they keep bringing more friends, they may be eating us out of house-and-home by then! :) They are neat birds, though! Such a pretty color of lavender, too! :)
