Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another Nature Novelty! :)

Last week we saw a baby coyote in our front yard, and clapped our hands to frighten it away! (We don't want it to feel too at home here.) It wasn't untill it ran off that I thought about taking a photo of it!
So when, a few days ago, we saw it strolling across our field, I asked Cal to run out and take a few quick photos before shooing it off! He and his Dad have begun to enjoy taking nature photos, like me! :)
It was fun seeing it enjoying the summer sun, and pouncing on insects, or mice, in the field! :)
This year I learned new respect for coyotes! The rabbit population was higher than usual and I began to realize that I hadn't been hearing the psychotic sound of the coyotes cry and excited yipping. Perhaps, ... just perhaps, ... they've been giving us a needed service to keep things in check, all these years! :) Now that I hear them in our area, again, the rabbits are not so over populated, and maybe my flowers, in the flower beds, will make a come back now! :)
So while they are still not one of my favorite of God's creatures, I do have a new admiration for them and the service they give in keeping ballance in nature! :)

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