Friday, January 6, 2012

My Bucket List! :)

We just made a purchase that has been a long time coming! Out of respect for my Honey's privacy, I won't say what, - only that it is something that he's always dreamed of for as long as he can remember! After 30+ yrs. of working for the company, I've told him he's earned it! :) One may even go so far as to say it's an item on his "bucket list"! :) ...
So it got me thinking! ... What's on My bucket list? What is it that I've always wanted and dreamed of having, or doing, that I'd love to experience before I die!? :)
... As a child I always dreamed of one day being happily married and rearing a family! :) Even at college I took classes geared at helping me be a better wife and mother, like child development and successful marriage! :)
Since I love animals, I also dreamed of our having a dog! :)
As time lapsed, my passion grew for expressing myself through pen; photography; poetry; & gardening! :)
I would one day like to write a few books, or at least be able to write something that can lift another's heart, and make their day a little brighter! :) ...

The reality IS, ... I'm living my bucket list every day!!! I have what I've always wanted!!! :)

I hope with some self-examination you find you're living your's too! :)


  1. I am sure you will think of something to add to your bucket list. Though I know that you are a very happy person living a wonderful life! :) Troy and I are working on our bucket list. Yes a lab is on mine too. ;)

  2. Sheana, I've no doubt one day you will have a lab! I can't imagine you Not having one when the time is right! :)
    Your dad and I have toyed with the idea of doing some traveling! For some reason I'd like to see Maine! I'd also like to witness the process of making syrup from maples! Maybe the maples can be included on our journey to Maine! :)
    It, and other ideas would just be frosting on the cake, if they happen, as my important dreams have already come true! You are a big part of that! :)
