My best friend, Jan, is very creative and has the knack for bringing out the spice in life! :) She's a pro when it comes to doing kind things for the sheer fun and joy of it, out of love for another! :)
We once planned a road trip to OR to Heritage Roses and she surprised me by having packed us a picnic basket full of wonderful lunch delights! :) (Note to self: remember to buy a neat picnic basket for future outings to fill with creative goodness!) :)
She used to ride her horse, Sunny, ("Santa Sunny" wearing a Santa hat over one ear) over to deliver little Christmas gifts to us! :)
She and her husband, Michael, lived down the country road from us so there was always lots of ongoing fun and laughter! :)
Life was great until she and her honey moved 3 hrs. away! ...
When they moved, one of the things they gave us was their flower drying shed with black plastic walls. How to move it now? :) After some quick thought the decision was made that the men would lift it onto the back of the pickup bed, and one would drive slowly while the others walked along keeping it from falling off! :) After much laughter and comments about how silly we must all look and how we're going to miss this kind of activity together, we managed to move it down the road to it's new location behind the garden, in our back yard! :)
Later my Honey decided to build onto it's frame and turn the drying shed into what's now our tool shed! It's handy to have the garden tools right by the garden, and makes us feel like a part of our friends are still here with us! :)
Now we talk on the phone, send each other emails and cards in the mail, and make a point to get together now and then!
Next month we're meeting with them for dinner and I can hardly wait!! :)
Once you've learned the joy of Spice in Life, you keep it going! :)
Not only do we continue our friendship with them but we try to emulate that behavior with others! :)
It not only gives life Spice, it makes it Sweet!! :)
Very sweet! What blessings!