Monday, December 5, 2011

Something Old, Something New! :)

This blog post is being written with Sheana in mind, so she can see the new 'fridge that I've been telling her about, to keep her in the loop of what's going on here at home! :)
It's also for anyone who may be interested! :)
Our old 'fridge has been faithfully serving us for 20 yrs., and is still giving it's all for us. I feel like that kind of loyalty deserves loyalty in return, so have been feeling a little guilty about longing for a new one and secretly wishing for our old 'fridge's demise! :) When I admitted I was wishing for a new one, my honey said our old 'fridge would be useful to him in the shop! "REALLY!!!!?" So that led to my studying, searching, and shopping for this new one, ... which was delivered today!! :)

I love how it's designed to make it easy to find what you're looking for! :)
And the lighting is great!! :)
I've always dreamed of one day having a 'fridge like this! :)
And the freezer even has different compartments to make it easier to locate what you want! :)
It even has a place for pizzas! This door lifts up to insert pizzas and hold them in place! :)

I took a photo of the pantry in an open position! I love stuff like this! :)
The pantry has different setting options, too! :)
The old 'fridge has now found a place of continued service in the shop, and a new place in my heart! :)
They just don't make them like they used to, so it's highly doubtful the new one will still be working 20 years from now, like the old one is!
Now instead of secretly wishing for it's demise, I'm cheering it on, and hoping it will live as long as possible! I have high admiration for any appliance with this kind of staying power!! :)
There's a song from the movie "Fiddler On The Roof" that says, "A blessing on your head, ..." I found myself singing it as I inserted the last of the perishables from the house, within her walls, for safe keeping last night! I couldn't resist giving a little pat on her door as I walked away! :)


  1. It's a new, handsome addition to your house! Hope Rud isn't jealous Ha Ha!

  2. :) Pat! (giggle)
    It's unanimous so far! Everyone under our roof likes it! :) Now I need to go out and buy more food to fill it! The men in my life like that idea too! :)
