Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's The Little Things! :)

I find it's the little things in life that bring joy! Like the .99 cent flags I purchased that have added a festive feeling to our front deck and remind me of the great blessings that are mine and others who are privileged to live in this blessed land! :)
Or the first little fruit starting to form on a greenhouse tomato plant after some concern on my part that I will ever see tomatoes growing inside the little frame! :)
I've done all I can think of to do, like opening both doors on warm days to let in a breeze to vibrate the blooms; post flower baskets by the door; ...
Positioned a flower pot and lavender plants inside to encourage the bees to notice the tomato blooms; ...
Even put little lavender plants between each tomato plant, in hopes of seeing bees drawn to the tomato petals! So seeing fruit beginning to form is a little thing that brings me relief and joy! :)
I also had some concern that the cranberry plants may not bloom this year since I was gone during winter's cold spell, and wasn't here to cover them! It's the branches that reach up that put on the fruit, so they can get frozen bad enough to lose the coming year's crop! So imagine my pleasure when I noticed our cranberry plants in bloom! It was also my first time ever seeing cranberry blooms! So That's what they look like!! Dainty little things! :) I sighed a prayer of thanks! Looks like we'll be enjoying cranberries from our garden this fall! :)
Notice this rose blooming in spite of the dappled light I have her in! "When there's a will there's a way!", as the saying goes! She was in full sun when I first planted her, but over time her location has become more shade than sun! I'm still trying to decide if I should move her! :)
All I have to do is Look at our hammock to feel myself begin to relax! :) It's the little things! :)
Due to our wet Spring we have mushrooms in the yard, still. This is the largest one I've ever seen! :)
How fun to see blooms from one of my sedums! It reminds me of a flashing fair ride! :)
It's such a little thing, but so touching to me, to see my dear canine friend wanting to be where I am! :)
It's the little things in life that matter and add up to great things! Like brave men putting their lives on the line to sign the declaration of independence; and brave men and women throughout history putting their lives on the line to protect our liberty and freedom!
As my little flags wave in the summer breeze, I'm filled with gratitude!
Happy 4th of July Everyone!! :)


  1. I have to say love the pic of Cole! As Brennan would say " COLLLE! Good boy!"

  2. :) I'm grinning Sheana! Give that sweet Brennan-Boy a hug from "Nom"! :) A hug to you, too!! :) XO
