Thursday, April 9, 2009

Now THAT"S Love!! :)

I can give a million examples of my husband's love for me, ... like being my best friend; caring about my welfare; getting up and going to work most every morning day after week after month after year so that I can stay home; 'tilling that garden spot for me every year and mowing around the many trees and flower beds I insist on having; ... and on and on ...! :)

But there's another reminder to me of his love and devotion that sits on our kitchen table! :) It's a ceramic rooster that I just love, but reminds him "of something an old lady would have"! :)

I first saw it when we were at Costco! I was impressed with the detail of the veggies around his feet, and the individual look of his tail feathers! I'd been looking for a rooster cookie jar to replace our old one, when I saw it! :) I hesitated but eventually walked away from it since it wasn't a cookie jar! :)

One day Rud was passing through the Costco area and called to inquire if I wanted anything. I admitted that I hadn't been able to get that rooster off my mind and would he mind looking to see if it's still there? He replied " The Rooster?? That's all you Want? " Yes, that's what I wanted so he went to Costco and I'm sure was a bit disappointed to find it still there. When he got to the register the cashier commented "A rooster, huh?" Rud says "It's not for me." Then the person who boxes the items says "A rooster huh?" Rud replies " It's not for me, it's for my wife." Then he carries it to the exit where the receipt inspector says ... yep, you guessed it, ... "Rooster, huh?" Exasperated, Rud says fervently, " It's Not For Me!! It's For My Wife!!" ( grin )

Considering that he doesn't even Like the bird, I can tell you, ... THAT'S Love!! :)


  1. I do love that story! I am sure though dad will have some smart remark for you posting it on your blog though. :D I am great full that I was raised in a home where I knew my parents loved each other! I am sure dad enjoys making you happy. Not that it is a hard thing to do. Just the small things make you happy. :D Love ya mom!! Thanks for being you.
