Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Garden Fever! :)

I admit it! I've got garden fever! :) I spent the last month checking out all the local nurseries and pouring over the garden seed catalogs! I made my local purchases, and mailed the catalog order, and now have all my seeds and onion plants waiting on me and the weather! :) I've been looking at the colorful seed packets planning how I'll lay out the 2010 garden! A quick look back at photos of '09 garden, (one shown above), is not only a reminder of where crops were (in order to rotate them this year), but it's also a powerful reminder to my senses of how much I'm yearning for this year's garden! I want to see fresh 'tilled loamy soil, smell it's fresh earthy aroma, and feel the sun-warmed soil in my hands! :) I want to start getting seeds and plants in the ground and begin watching for those first seeds to sprout and push up through the soil! :)
My mouth waters as I think about that first bite into a warm, ripe tomato, trying not to let the juices run down my chin! :) ...
I need to remind myself that it's still March, and there is much to be done before the real seed planting can even begin! This year we will be extending the garden area and putting up a deer fence! We have measured, squared, and put in the corner post! Just seeing what it Will be, makes me all the more excited about this year's garden! :)
We're hoping the ground will dry out enough, by tomorrow afternoon, for Rud to 'till an area for me to plant the onion plants! They need to get in the ground ASAP, so atleast I have that to look forward to, to tide me over untill the rest of the planting gets underway! :)
So does anyone else have garden fever, like I do? If you're a gardener, I should warn you, - it's highly contagious! Before you know it, you may catch it too! :) - I hope you do! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oops! I do proof-read my posts, but somehow I still miss little errors! We've put in the corner fence Stakes, (to mark out the garden) not Posts, yet! I Wish we were that far along! :) grin
