Monday, May 25, 2009

The Garden Seeds Are Finally All Planted! :)

When you look at this photo, you're looking at proof of a gardener desperate to plant more than she has room to grow! :) I decided to use this narrow strip of soil, that was going to be a foot path, as a smorgasbord of small veggies and herbs that I could find no room for! :) As a result, nine packets of seeds made it into the garden that wouldn't have otherwise! :)
I finally have all the seeds in the ground that I've chosen to grow this year! :) It feels so good to be at this point with the garden! :) I also have the entire garden hoed with the exception of the strawberry row! I will get to that soon! :)

While I worked I was accompanied by Buddyman, our faithful canine companion, and the birds! I enjoy hearing the bird's cheerful singing and munching sounds as they eat seed and suet! :)

I especially enjoy the happy chortling sounds of a tree swallow that often perches itself atop of the smoke stack of the sauna, near the garden! :) Such a cheerful serenade to work by! :)

I so love this time of year with living acitivity all around us! The temperatures are perfect for working outside, which makes us active too! :) I'd love another 100 days just like today! I would get so much done!! :) ...
I hope you're all enjoying this time of year too! :)


  1. YAY! I'm glad you were able to get everything planted!! Does feel great, doesn't it? Your garden looks awesome!

    Reading your post made me feel bad about hating our birds so much. I do like them better now that they're staying out of my garden! ;)

  2. Hey Heidi! :) The day after I planted the little onion plants, I went out and found a handful of them plucked up and left lying on top of the soil! We suspect Blue Jays may have been the culprits of that dirty deed! :) I planted them back in the ground, and checked them each day untill I was satisfied it was no longer in danger of happening! :) I understand how frustrating it can be! :)
    Most of the time our feathered friends are garden helpers, as they help keep the bad bug's population under controle, that would otherwise eat our harvest! :)
    I especially love the swallows that eat those nasty misquitoes, to make enjoying the outdoors possible! :) Our neighbor's property has a swamp area, and we'd be over-run with those thirsty little vampires, if not for the swallows! :) In the past we've seen bats out at night, too, and they eat them as well! :) I haven't noticed bats yet, this year.

  3. BJ- Good job. Maybe you can convince Dayle to come see it in person. Bud

  4. BJ your garden looks great! all your fingers must be green, not only your thumbs :) I need to learn better how to garden

  5. Grace, - you are so nice! :) I enjoy that you follow my blog! You make my day! :)

    Bud, - I talked to Dayle and she said sometime she and Lynn want to come visit our homes, here in WA, but it won't be this year. I hope they do come to visit! :)
