Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today I weeded the strawberry row, and now I'm excited to have the garden all planted and pristine! :) It's so nice to know that from here on out, it's just a matter of maintaining it! :) It's a good feeling, especially when I think back to last year's crazy, snowy, freezing weather! I didn't even get to start planting the garden untill June!! It really makes me appreciate normal years like this, when the garden is all in, in May! :)
These strawberry plants look like first year plants, but actually they were new last year! The deer attacked them so hard that they never got to grow! Every time new leaves came on, they came, like theives in the night, and ate them, - even during hunting season! I'm determined that this year they will grow and flourish! :) I'm pleased to see they are already putting on berries! We will hopefully get to taste them, for the first time, this year! :) We are trying out a motion-detecter water jet and hoping to keep critters and pest out! Wish us luck! If that doesn't work, we will have to resort to building a tall fence! :)

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