Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Shades of Green! :)

Living here in the Great North West, I've often marveled at the many shades of green! :)
I especially love the light green shade of fresh young plants, like these ferns! :)

This Japanese Maple Tree has leaves that are a joy to me every year! They come on green, and as they mature they show more shades of white and pink! :)

Is it even possible to count all of the shades of green in this photo? :)

There can be such beauty in the shades of green found in a single plant! :)

The birds even seem to like different shades of green! :)

Not only do plants come in all different shades of green, but they also come in all different shapes and sizes!! :)

.... And textures! :)

Some even have edible parts, like the stems of this rhubarb! :)

For a gardener, green plants can be a lovely setting for placing little surprises like this cupid bird feeder, in the background! :)

There's something soothing about the color green! :)

Sometimes green can taste good!! :)

And often shades of green mean there is an ample amount of water in the area! :) Even though alot of people would dissagree, ... I've always loved the refreshing amount of free rainfall here in the North West! :) To me it's the Magic that keeps everything Clean and Green!! :)


  1. I LOVE green. It's my favorite color :) Great pics!!!

  2. Mom,

    You are to fun! I love how just the everyday things you find time to enjoy! I love that about you! Thanks for being you.
