Sunday, August 21, 2011

Then And Now! :)

One would think two months would not be enough time to bring much of a change, in most things, but when you're talking about gardening, two months can make a Big difference! :)
On the 20th of June I took this photo of the garden! From this angle it was easy to see the outline of most of the vegetables I'd planted! Everything looks pretty straight forward and relatively tidy! :)
One may even feel I left too much space between the rows, and wonder why I'd waste so much space! (Especially when considering how many more types of seeds I wanted to plant had I not "run out of room"!) :)
The answer to that question is answered with this photo! :)
Two months later, on Aug. 20th, the garden looks like organized chaos! :) Instead of looking tidy, it looks more like a jungle in there! :)
The, then spacious, walkways are now so overgrown that it's a little tricky trying to get through them! :)
It's obvious things are growing, but from this same angle, it's now difficult to tell exactly what all is in there! The then "Tidy" and "clearly mapped out" has now been replaced with "overgrown" and "a sense of mystery"! :)
I will soon be doing a follow up blog, taking you into the garden for some close ups on some of the things I've seen taking place in there now! :) Hope you'll join me then!! :)

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