Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer Project! :)

I'm sure you all know how summer projects go! You intend to do one thing and it expands into something else by the time you're done! :) I was going to put a bag of beauty bark on this area to finish it off after planting the potted plants!

This is what I ended up doing instead! :)

I realized that the corner wasn't very lawnmower friendly so decided to cut a new lawn edge. While I was at it, I cut one of the branches off, the Japanese Maple, that was leaning out and making it difficult to mow around. Then I decided to lay a little brick to widen the platform at the bottom of the steps! :) When Rud is working regular hours again, and has time to assist me, we will probably improve what I've done with the brick. For now, it's atleast an improvement over what we had before! :)

Then I continued cutting the new edge all along the flower bed!

I lined it up with the step platform, so the mower can breeze on through for an easy cut! :)

Following it on around the full front of the house, ...

Rounding the corner, ...

And along the south side! :)

One of my goals for this year is to try to get all the flower beds in order! The soil you're looking at is the area Cal worked on for me! :) There is Alot of yard work to do still, but I'm hopeful about getting it done! :) Last year I managed to do half of all the flower beds, by myself, and this year I'm determined to get them All done, if at all possible, with Cal chipping in on occassion! :) Once they are all done I believe I can keep up on the maintenance by myself! This south side bed is in full sun and is often too hot to work, so it is one of the worst beds on our property! Earlier I heavily pruned the bushes back! I wish I would have taken a "before photo" of it, but it looks bad enough as it is, even though it's already much better than it was! :) I hope to have everything in order, with the beauty bark down, before the rainy season returns! :) I have 3 peonies that I want to move to this south bed, this fall! If I can get the front strip of the yard ready, by the road, I plan to buy some new, colorful, peonies to plant at fall planting time! :) - That's another project! :)

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